Empathy to local Normandale students: What is Empathy?

"To me, empathy means that you understand what a person is going through to another level, and maybe tying in your own experiences to understand that person better. Empathy has value because not everyone can feel empathetic. It is so important in this world today because mentally, emotionally, and spiritually feels better when you go through something rough and there is someone beside you who understands" (Stephanie Gherau).

 "Empathy requires one to step outside their own emotions to view things entirely from the perspective of another person" (Aixa Gonzales Lemus).

"Empathy to me is all about understanding one's feelings and being able to give off the same kind of feelings. There're time in my life where empathy has played a big role. It's important to be able to relate to someone else in today's world. Especially with tragic events occurring, the more empathy we have the better" (Milica Tolimir).

"Empathy to me is trying to feel and understand others feelings" (Taylor Smith).

"The world empathy from a personal perspective does not deviate much from it's Webster dictionary definition. Empathy is showing compassion through means of understanding. The showing of understanding can be done by simply listening, paraphrasing what was shared back to the speaker, or even sharing experiences that are very similar. I think the ability to empathize with other people (especially in the world today) is what makes us human. Having the ability and means to understand is what keeps the world together" (Trenton Kenney).

"Empathy is the ability to put ourselves in someone else's situation or culture or believing " (Fosiya Abdulahi).

"The world empathy to me means understanding. I think when you understand someone's feelings and their way of doing things you can empathize with them" (doniqua Straub).

"Empathy is being able to step into someone else's shoes and to be able to share the same feelings about a certain situation as they do. Today much of our population does not have empathy for others. Empathy is priceless, and ingredient to world peace, and ingredient we are running low of and need to find more of" (Jasmine Nixon).

"I define empathy as understanding something and sharing the same ideas and thoughts. You can have empathy in anything you do. As far as conversations and how you understand and relate to other people's cultures" (Connor Grant).

"Empathy is the ability to understand one's feelings from your own personal perspectives. Empathy has a value in our world today as we are able to understand one another's feelings therefore promoting a peaceful coexistence" (Erick Nyamwaya).

"In my mind empathy means understanding or trying to understand what others are going through in their life" (Samuel Terres).

"My personal definition of empathy is the feeling of compassion and being being able to listen to someone and or a situation without necessarily having gone through it yourself- the fact that you are able to take a step in their shoes and empathize with what they are going through is critical to the world we live in today" (Taylor Beery).

"Empathy is the ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that person's situation" (Faisal Gelle).

"Empathy means understanding what one is is going through. I think empathy is a very important value. If you are upset about something and everyone just doesn't get it you will feel lost and broken. But when someone who can empathizes with you and understand what you're going through, it helps you recover from the situation better than one where people don't get it or don't care" (Joseph Zona). 
